According to Nora, the late, great Johnny Cash is alive and living in our neighborhood...
Driving home from work a few days ago, a Johnny Cash song came on the radio. Nora started to "sing" along, and I asked her if she liked Johnny Cash. Nora said: "Yes. Like Coddy Dash* sing"
(*phonetically spelled, see previous post)
A few minutes later, as we drove into our neighborhood, Nora excitedly exclaimed: "Coddy Dash House!!" while pointing at a house as we drove by.
Since then, she is convinced that this is Johnny Cash's house, and points it out every morning as we leave for work and for Ms. Trina's and every afternoon as we come home.
Who knew....
Here is the aforementioned house (a little smaller and more humble than one might expect)... my apologies to my unsuspecting neighbors as I snapped their house while driving by...
I should probably add that I think Johnny Cash's actual former house was destroyed by a fire.